Revitalizing your smile: the essential vitamins and minerals for strong, enameled teeth and healthy gums

Camila Mota

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The critical element of oral health is nutrition. A diet with the correct nutrients is an excellent supplement for your teeth, leaving them healthier and more robust.

Vitamins and minerals help prevent oral diseases; the first contact points with these nutrients are the mouth, teeth, and gums. The most significant amount of nutrients extracted occurs when chewing and ingesting food.

Some oral problems can occur when we have nutrient deficiencies, and some oral issues can occur, such as gum inflammation or tooth loss. Therefore, we must eat a nutrient-rich diet for good oral health.

How important is consuming vitamins for teeth?

vitamin A

Vitamins are fundamental in nourishing our body and teeth; solid and healthy teeth are maintained for many years. See below the vitamins allowed to strengthen teeth.

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential in calcium absorption, helping prevent cavities and promoting bone and tooth remineralization. Deficiency of this vitamin can cause tooth growth problems, periodontal disease, gum inflammation, and tooth decay.

Newborn children with low birth weight can develop enamel defects that help tooth decay bacteria to proliferate.

Find vitamin D in the following foods:

– Fish, sardines, salmon and tuna

– Milk

– Cereals

– Liver steak

– Egg yolks

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is excellent for teeth and gums; it keeps the connective tissues of the gums healthy and prevents gum bleeding. It strengthens nails, skin, and hair, as well as helping to form collagen.

Deficiency can cause bleeding and gum diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontitis. The best foods you can find vitamin C in are fruits and vegetables.

Foods rich in vitamin C:

– Lemon

– Kiwi


– Broccoli

– Cabbage

3. Vitamin A

Its role is vital in producing saliva, increasing pH, and preventing the risk of cavities or even gum disease. Vitamin A also helps keep mucous membranes healthy, thus preventing bleeding and maintaining good oral health.

It acts on vision and the functioning of the immune system, which are the body’s defenses against diseases, especially infectious ones.

Primary sources of vitamin A:


– Tangerine

– Melon

– Cheese

– Milk

4. Vitamin K

Its function is to help blood clots, and it also strengthens bones and teeth, making them more resistant. It works with vitamin D to direct calcium from the soft tissues and bloodstream to the teeth and bones. A deficiency in this vitamin can cause bleeding gums and slow the body’s healing process.

We find vitamin K in the following foods:

– Avocado

– Cabbage

– Cabbage

– Broccoli

– Canola oil

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E’s primary function is to delay aging with antioxidant action that protects cells, increases skin elasticity, prevents wrinkles, improves blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens the immune system, and improves production.

Hormonal. Helps with oral health by keeping gums healthy. It also prevents cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and even cancer.

Primary sources of vitamin E:

– Liver

– Egg yolk

– Vegetables with dark green colors

– Vegetable oils

6. B Vitamins

It acts directly on the healthy healing of wounds, especially in the inflammation of gums and mouth wounds. It is essential for the nervous system. Its deficiency is associated with bleeding and sensitive gums, long-term tooth loss, and tooth decay in children.

We find vitamin B in the following foods:

– Cereals

– Yogurt

– Birds

– Fish

– Eggs

When should you take vitamins to supplement tooth health?

vitamins for dental supplementation

It would help if you visited the dentist regularly to evaluate your oral health, confirming vitamin deficiency. He will prescribe supplementation to improve oral health and strengthen teeth.

Boost your diet with minerals to avoid cavities and gum problems

Minerals are essential for increasing oral pH and reducing the risk of cavities. They are also crucial for strengthening tooth enamel, making it healthier and more resistant. They are mainly found in kale and spinach. You can eat these foods without guilt as they are low in calories.


It helps keep bones and teeth strong and promotes the enamel remineralization process. It passes through the bloodstream and into the body’s tissues, reaching the mouth. Calcium is one of the most essential minerals for the human body. We find calcium in vegetables, fish, and oilseeds.


Essential for making teeth strong and helps with the absorption of calcium. It acts directly on tooth enamel in terms of protection and construction. Phosphorus is found in foods rich in proteins; we can obtain this vitamin in reasonable quantities with a regular diet.


We find fluoride in drinking water, mouthwash, toothpaste, and seafood. Its function is to strengthen the tooth enamel; in this way, it remineralizes the enamel, preventing the formation of bacterial plaques responsible for creating cavities. Protects against tartar, which, when not removed, can cause tooth loss.


It works to develop the structure of the teeth and helps with the absorption of calcium.

Most people are magnesium deficient, so having a balanced diet or taking supplements is essential.


It reduces oral infections and gum disease and increases the immune system, thus reducing the risk of contracting diseases while keeping your body healthy. We find iron in bread, eggs, and red meat.


Iodine is also one of the minerals that help the body absorb calcium, bringing more resistance to bones and teeth and promoting oral health. Fundamental to the health of the human body, it plays a role in the growth and development of organs, especially the brain. Controls the rate of basal metabolism and metabolic processes.

Garlic, sesame seeds, and seaweed are sources of iodine.


It is one of the best supplements for tooth enamel, as it prevents cavities and strengthens the structure of all teeth. Additionally, it is an excellent desensitizing agent that can help people who suffer from tooth sensitivity. It is present in most foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and cheeses.


We now know that minerals, vitamins, and probiotics are essential. It helps eliminate bacteria that cause cavities and inhibits the production of bacteria that cause gingivitis. When we stop caring for our oral health, plaque builds up on our teeth and gums, causing gingivitis. To consume adequate amounts of Zinc, it is essential to have a diet that includes nuts, vegetables, and meat.

Oral probiotics for better dental health

Oral probiotics

Probiotics are not just good for the intestine; these good bacteria benefit your entire body by fighting harmful bacteria. They are good at fighting bad breath, periodontal disease, and even cancer. For oral health, probiotics can delay infection processes that cause oral diseases. You find probiotics in dairy drinks, milk, and bottled butter.

5 Supplements for Strong Teeth to Include in Your Routine


Supplement with 11 high-quality ingredients that maintain healthy teeth and gums, as well as helping stomach health, preventing future health problems.


A 100% natural product, it contains vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that act directly on oral health, strengthening tooth enamel so that it is resistant to cavities. Zoracel eliminates bad breath, keeps your mouth odor-free, and brings security and well-being when starting a conversation.


Its formulation was created from incredible plants with minerals and vitamins, such as Zinc, Chromium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Green Tea, Berberine HCL, Resveratrol, Milk Thistle, Cayenne, Korean Ginseng and Banaba. Ideal for strengthening teeth and reducing mouth odor.


Concentrated supplements of probiotics and nutrients will help the good bacteria in the mouth, effectively bringing health to the gums and teeth. It was created with natural ingredients, so it does not cause any side effects.


Free from harmful stimulants or toxins, made with all-natural vitamins and botanicals. It has vitamins A, C, D3, and K2, phosphorus, potassium, Zinc, microencapsulated calcium (MEC), xylitol, collagen, MSM, and mint/peppermint. With all the nutrients, it keeps your teeth healthy and leaves your breath fresh.


We now know that minerals, vitamins, and probiotics are essential for improving oral health, so it is important to include them in your diet or even use supplements that will help you keep your teeth healthy and strong.

Supplements are more practical for our daily lives; they are generally made into tablets to make swallowing more accessible, and they are contained in small containers that you can carry in your bag anywhere. You will not need to cook the food to consume these nutrients.

Knowing that the efficiency of these nutrients can cause gum infections or tooth loss. You need to be careful, go to the dentist regularly to find out if there is a need for supplementation, or take tests to detect a deficiency in these nutrients so as not to run the risk of developing oral diseases.


What is the best medicine for solid teeth and gums?

PRODENTIM is the ideal supplement to keep your teeth and gums healthy, as it acts directly on oral health, strengthening teeth and preventing gum disease. Because its nutrients are entirely natural and work quickly and effectively on the cause of the problem.

What is the best calcium supplement for teeth? 

Dentitox Pro is a powerful calcium and mineral supplement that strengthens teeth from the beginning of their formation, strengthens bones and gums, improves health and well-being, and provides a beautiful and healthy smile.

What are enamel-strengthening foods?

These are vegetables, meats, and dairy products that you consume; through this diet, your body will absorb all the nutrients from these foods, so your teeth become stronger and more resistant because these foods have minerals, fiber, and vitamins.

What supplements help remineralize teeth? 

The ideal supplements to remineralize your teeth are:

– Calcium

– Protassio

– Fluoride

– Phosphor

They act directly on the tooth enamel, leaving it strong and resistant.

Which mineral reverses tooth decay?

Fluoride can stop the cavity process; it remineralizes the tooth enamel structure, making it stronger and more resistant, preventing the active cavity stain from forming a cavity and destroying all the teeth.

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