Nourishing Your Teeth: How Vitamins Can Keep Your Teeth Strong and Healthy

David Eli

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Most people know that to maintain oral health, it is necessary to brush teeth and floss and maintain a routine of regular visits to the dentist. 

But did you know that eating well can help strengthen your teeth and prevent gum disease? This is because some nutrients present in food, such as minerals, calcium, and phosphorus, are essential in protecting and reconstructing tooth enamel. 

To maintain a healthy smile, you must maintain a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, nourishing your teeth correctly. Check out what foods you should choose to find these nutrients in this article.

Essential vitamins and minerals for strong teeth

When choosing what you will eat, consider the food options that can offer you the essential vitamins and minerals to keep your teeth strong.

Foods rich in protein, fruits, vegetables, and almonds are sources of nutrients needed to maintain oral health, so try to include them in your diet.

Below are the 9 essential nutrients to have a healthy smile, and in which foods you can find them. 


Calcium is an excellent nutrient for teeth. In addition to strengthening bones, it helps strengthen tooth enamel (the outer layer that protects teeth against cavities). 

Over the years, a lack of calcium in your diet can cause tooth loss and periodontal disease. So, know what the sources of calcium are so you can include them in your diet.

Cheese and yogurt are dairy products that are great sources of calcium.. But if you have some lactose intolerance or are vegetarian, you can still find this nutrient in green leaves such as spinach and kale, in fish (salmon and canned sardines), in beans, lentils, sesame and chia seeds, in almonds and Brazil nuts. 

Many food options contain this essential mineral for strengthening teeth, so there is no excuse not to add it to your routine.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has two functions of extreme importance for your health, as it acts on bone and dental mineralization and facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. 

Many people know that the body absorbs vitamin D with a few minutes of sun exposure daily. Still, it is also obtained by eating some foods such as salmon, tuna, sardines, fortified cereals, liver steak, egg yolks, orange juice, and dairy products. 

In addition, you can also consume supplements to supplement your dose of vitamin D necessary for your day-to-day.


If you want to avoid severe gum disease, plaque, and harmful bacteria in your mouth, try to maintain a good level of potassium consumption in your daily life.

Maintaining a good amount of potassium in your diet is easy, as it is a nutrient in several foods. Banana is a well-known source of potassium, but you can also consume them in beans and lentils, dried fruits, peppers, tomatoes, avocados, cashews and almonds, and melons, among others.

Potassium acts as a regulator of normal blood pressure. And just like vitamin D, it also works on bone mineral density.


Phosphorus is another ally to keep teeth strong and healthy since it helps in the absorption of calcium by the body, protecting and rebuilding tooth enamel.

To ensure a healthy daily dose of phosphorus, include dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, salmon, red meat and poultry, egg yolks, eggs, legumes, nuts, potatoes, and whole grains in your menu.

If you are deficient in this nutrient in your diet, you do not need to worry because you can supplement the amount of phosphorus with supplements and multivitamins.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K

To have strong and healthy teeth, you must maintain the consumption of vitamin K in your diet since it works as a binder of calcium and strengthens the bones and teeth. This vitamin aids in the bone strength of the body as it blocks substances that can destroy bones.

A lack of vitamin K can cause bleeding gums, as this vitamin also makes blood clots.

You include vitamin K in your diet by consuming kale, spinach, parsley, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and avocados.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well known to help the immune system, and it is widespread for people to consume it to prevent colds and flu.

But vitamin C has other functions in the body; it acts on the maintenance of collagen, the protein that forms the connective tissues of the gums.

That’s why vitamin C strengthens the gums, helping to support the teeth and preventing the teeth from loosening. Vitamin C deficiency causes bleeding gums and diseases such as scurvy. 

Since vitamin C is not stored in the body, it should be consumed regularly through food, supplements, and multivitamins.

Citrus fruits such as oranges and kiwi, potatoes, kale, and broccoli are excellent sources of vitamin C for you to include in your diet. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has several benefits for oral health, as it is a nutrient that helps produce saliva. This function prevents cavities from appearing since saliva helps clean bacteria from the mouth.

The correct vitamin A dose in your eating routine will reduce the chances of problems such as impaired tooth formation, tooth hypoplasia (thin or missing enamel), and gum disease, for example, periodontitis.

Another function of vitamin A is to support the membranes of the mouth so that they remain healthy. 

To include vitamin A-rich foods in your diet, look for orange foods like sweet potatoes, melons, carrots, liver, milk, egg, and fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna.

You can also consume vitamin A through supplements and multivitamins.


To keep your teeth healthy, it is essential to consume zinc daily. This is because this metal aids your oral health in several ways. 

Zinc is another nutrient that stimulates the immune system, prevents plaque formation, and helps maintain healthy gums. 

Lack of zinc can cause gingivitis, periodontitis, and halitosis. To ensure your daily dose of zinc, consume red meat, cheese, milk, yogurt, oysters, sesame, beans, peas, lentils, almonds, and nuts.

There are so many sources of zinc that you will have several options to vary in your menu!

B Complex Vitamins

B Complex Vitamins

B vitamins are essential for healthy wound healing. Both oral wounds and inflammation of the gums. Specifically, vitamin B12 is related to your oral health. 

Our body does not produce vitamin B12, so we must eat meat, eggs, fish, milk, and soy. It is a vitamin found most often in products of animal origin. If you are vegan or vegetarian, look for supplements or multivitamins.

A lack of vitamin B12 can increase the number of caries and gum disease, especially in children.

Stay tuned to consume the necessary B vitamins and keep your teeth strong and gums healthy.

Why include vitamins in your dental care routine?

In addition to having hygiene care, brushing, and daily flossing, you must be aware of what you will eat to have excellent oral health.

As we have seen so far, maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is very important to have a healthy mouth with strong teeth and without gum disease.

These nutrients will strengthen your tooth’s enamel and prevent caries, among other problems such as bleeding gums. 

It is worth making good choices at the time of your meals. 

When should I include vitamin intake to strengthen teeth?

The consumption of vitamins should be daily; choose foods with these nutrients in your meals. 

If you can’t get your daily dose of these vitamins, you can supplement your diet with supplements or multivitamins.

But if you are already a person who eats fruits, vegetables, and meats, you consume a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Additional Tips to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Regularly see your dentist and make an appointment at least twice a year to perform cleaning and maintain your oral health.

In addition to the daily hygiene routine, brush your teeth well and do not forget to floss daily.

Avoiding foods with too much sugar, especially those sweets or cookies that stick to your teeth, makes you less likely to have cavities.

To help you maintain a good diet, a tip is to leave a menu ready for the week so you can think calmly and choose foods with the nutrients you need. 

What is the Best Medicine to Strengthen Teeth and Gums?

Best Medicine to Strengthen Teeth and Gums

The best sources of nutrients to strengthen your teeth and gums are animal foods, such as vegetables, legumes, and fruits, as we have already seen in this article. 

But if you have a routine in which you can not continually supply your daily dose of vitamins and minerals in food, you can use supplements, such as Pro Dentim or Steel Bite Pro, to supplement the consumption of these nutrients.

In addition, you should have good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing your teeth, flossing, and regular dental visits.                                          


Are there specific vitamins to combat gum recession?

Vitamin D helps fight gum retraction, acting on the body’s antibacterial defense and reducing inflammation. Thus, vitamin D is an ally to the health of the gums because it maintains the gums’ structure and the teeth’ connection.

What vitamins can make your teeth stronger?

Vitamins D, K, and A strengthen tooth enamel.

How can I make my teeth stronger?

Consuming vitamins and minerals that strengthen teeth and gums. They can be obtained through food or supplements and multivitamins.

What strengthens teeth the most?

The consumption of vitamins and minerals through food or supplements.

Does vitamin C make teeth stronger?

Yes, vitamin C helps in the production of collagen for the gums. With healthy gums, the teeth become more robust and in place.

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